The New Locals
40,000 Malays reside in Sri Lanka. They are mostly descendants of colonial soldiers brought here in the late 19th century. Today, this vibrant community continues to preserve their unique customs and practices.
The New Locals - Malays in Colombo
40,000 Malays reside in Sri Lanka. They are mostly descendants of colonial soldiers brought here in the late 19th century. Today, this vibrant community continues to preserve their unique customs and practices.
The New Locals
In a world increasingly interconnected yet often fractured, The New Locals offers a window into the lives, histories, and resilience of ethnic communities around the globe. This emotionally compelling series delves deep into cities and neighbourhoods where minority cultures have thrived, preserved their identities, and adapted within larger, often foreign societies.
From the cheese-making Punjabis of Novellara, the Nigerian footballers of Phnom Penh and history-rich Chinatown of Kolkata, the series presents a tapestry of human perseverance and adaptation.